Out-of-home respite care is provided to a person in a licensed or unlicensed setting that is not the person’s home. This can include time spent in community locations used by the public, like malls, parks, and libraries, while the person stays in a licensed or unlicensed setting that is not their home. This type of care is typically provided by a caregiver who is not a family member. Out-of-home respite care at Fountain Home Health L.L.C. can provide a much-needed break for family caregivers who are responsible for caring for a loved one on a daily basis. It can also offer an opportunity for the individual to socialize with others and participate in activities that may not be available in their own home.
Get the Care You Need!
If you are interested in availing of our services, set a schedule for assessment. We will match the best care plans according to your specialized needs.
For more questions or clarifications, don’t hesitate to call our hotline at 651-235-6942 or send us a message.